Farmtopia is a Horizon Europe project spanning three years, from September 2023 to August 2026. Comprising 22 partners from 12 countries, Farmtopia’s goal is to democratise digital farming, making it accessible to all.

Despite the agricultural industry’s increasing interest in Agricultural Digital Solutions (ADSs), their adoption among European farmers, particularly small-scale ones, has remained limited. This creates a significant gap that needs addressing to enhance the economic and environmental aspects of the agricultural sector.

Farmtopia envisions a future where ADSs cater to the needs of small farms more readily, encompassing their creation, deployment, and affordability.

The envisioned impact includes providing validated ADSs to over 64,000 small farms. As the project advances, we will continually update our website with further details about the SIPs (Sustainable Innovation Pilots), digital solutions, and results.


  • Neuropublic
  • Green Supply Chain
  • AgriFood Lithuania DIH
  • Foodscale Hub
  • Politecnico di Milano
  • Agricultural University of Athens
  • UAB “ART21”
  • University College Dublin
  • Pilze-Nagy Ltd.
  • Substratproduktion Kynast-Löcke GmbH
  • Anamob
  • SmartRDI
  • Agricolus s.r.l.
  • Sata s.r.l.
  • Gaia Epicheirein
  • Ku Leuven
  • W. Govaerts & Co.
  • ITC Murska Sobota
  • Arvalis Institut Du Vegetal
  • Carbon Bee AgTech
  • Fédération Régionale des cuma de l’Ouest
  • Poios Einai To Afentiko?

Project website: