

RURBANIVE will establish a novel Rural-Urban innovation framework, supported by technical and social innovations to enhance territorial governance…


PRUDENT aspires to change the way agriculture and forestry systems currently operate and to accelerate the transition to sustainable agriculture and…


The main objective of LOCALITY is to develop circular and sustainable value chains, linking industrial players to stimulate co-creation and bring new…

GFarm for LIFE

GFarm for LIFE brings together key stakeholders from science, business, public and state sectors to jointly implement and develop a project which…

Forest 4.0

The overall objective of the FOREST 4.0 project is to establish a Centre of Excellence (CoE) to transform the forest environment monitoring, data…


Farmtopia is a Horizon Europe project spanning three years, from September 2023 to August 2026. Comprising 22 partners from 12 countries, Farmtopia’s…


The consortium implementing the initiative "EDIH4IAE.LT" (otherwise - "Digital transformation of the industry, agriculture and energy sectors in…


The SOULFOOD project aims to test cutting-edge digital tools in the agrifood sector to foster sustainable production and enhance the connection…

EENOVA: Energy Efficiency in regioNal fOod Processing Value chAins

EENOVA: Energy Efficiency in regioNal fOod Processing Value chAins (Reference: LIFE22-CET-EENOVA/101119476 | Acronym: LIFE22-CET-EENOVA) Project…

Smart Droplets

Smart Droplets - Accelerating the achievement of EU Green Deal Goals for pesticide and fertilizer reduction through AI, data and robotic……