Meet 10 participants of the EWA programme in Lithuania and their mentors
36 women entrepreneurs signed up for the Empowering Women in Agrifood (EWA) programme in Lithuania to develop business ideas in the agrifood sector.
The program developed by EIT Food, implemented by AgriFood Lithuania DIH and supported by Baltic Amadeus offers the 10 participants personalized mentoring, networking sessions, connections and access to an international digital platform with the possibility of receiving funding of up to 10,000 euros.
The 10 entrepreneurs selected in the program are:
Austėja Keraitytė wants to breed bumblebees and transport them to specific areas where they would be used to pollinate cross-plants. It is easy to control where bumblebees fly, also they can fly even in poor weather conditions. Also, their successful use has been shown to increase yields by up to 30%.
Irmantė Jurelytė-Kovaliova is creating healthy snack bars of plant origin with collagen, which would be later turned into whole line of healthy products filled with collagen. Such a product is not yet produced in Lithuania.
Daiva Bičkauskė wants to create a "breaker" of green algae cells based on proven global research. It would be used to turn algae into vegetable oil that can be converted into biofuels, aviation fuel and other fuel and plastic products, as well as organic fertilizers.
Eglė Valuckaitė-Stašauskienė is building a biodynamic farm that runs the full circle of the circular economy, no chemical additives are used and no fruit or vegetables are ever thrown away. Products with poor appearance or environmental impact are used to create other products.
Šarūnė Vaitiekūnė’s idea is to create healthy sweets from pumpkins without leaving any waste.
Dovilė Ilevičienė wants to ferment garlic grown in Lithuania. It helps to solve the currently existing problem that Lithuanian garlics root in November and are not suitable for consumption anymore. With the help of this new innovation the lifespan of Lithuanian garlic would be extended to the whole year.
Rasa Nabažaitė wants to create recyclable and reusable containers for food, honey, cosmetics and creams from used beeswax which is no longer needed by beekeepers.
Paulina Gruodienė is creating food mixes from local products with a strong focus on optimizing resources and achieving zero waste and climate neutrality in product development.
Vilija Vedlūgienė is creating natural spreads of plant origin that can be a healthy substitute for fast food.
Aistė Balčiūnaitienė is developing the green substrate created from natural polymer which has a specific amount of bioactive substances and other ingredients. It will be used in hydroponics - this market is growning every year.
The 10 mentors in the program are:
1. Dr. Artūras Jakubavičius – Head of Innovation Support Services Department at Lithuanian Innovation Center
2. Dr. Edita Bagdonaitė – Chief Officer at Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology
3. Zita Petkevičienė – Production and Supply Chain Director at Vikonda Group
4. Doc. dr. Sergejus Borodinas – Head of Applied Mechanics Unit at Vilnius Tech University
5. Mantas Vilys – Director at Lithuanian Innovation Center
6. Inga Juozapavičienė – Business creation expert
7. Gytis Junevičius – President of Lithuanian Cluster Networks
8. Eglė Vaičiukynaitė – Business Development lecturer at Kaunas Technology University
9. Vaiva Kubilaitė – Head of Progress Business Unit at Baltic Amadeus
10. Ignas Šlapkauskas – Innovation expert at Lithuanian Innovation Center
Entrepreneurs and mentors met during the Matchmaking event on June 27th. During the event, all of them gave pitches about what they do to get to know each other better. You can read more about the event here.
What's next?
During the five-month program, participants of the EIT Food Ewa programme in Lithuania will:
· Devote countless hours to the development of their ideas.
· Spend at least 6 hours a month consulting with their mentors.
· Deepen their knowledge by watching virtual trainings and reading tips and research about building a business.
· Participate in live training sessions.
· Communicate with the media.
· Present the progress made during the program during the final event in November. The prize fund of the program is 18,000 EUR!
Visit Empowering Women in AgriFood – EWA web page and to learn more about the programme and its additional activities.
We invite industrial companies to take part in a digitalisation survey
Share your experience to help accelerate European industry digitalisation!
Companies are invited to participate in a survey on industry digitalisation and to share their digitalisation needs and challenges. Your answers will help us to better shape the support available to European industrial companies adopting digital technologies. Contributions are welcome from companies in five European industries:
- Agrifood in Lithuania
- Automotive in Hungary
- Construction in Romania
- Retail in Poland
- Textile in Portugal.
To take part in the survey, please click here.
This survey is conducted by PPMI and supported by AgriFood Lithuania DIH as part of a study on Smart Industrial Remoting on behalf of the European Commission. The study aims to identify the main challenges faced by companies attempting to digitalise and to propose targeted evidence-based actions that can support industry digitalisation in Europe.
Your contribution is very valuable to us! Share your experience until August 12, 2022.
BEATLES: A new Horizon Europe project kicked-off!
We are delighted to announce the official start of BEATLES, a Horizon Research & Innovation project funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101060645, with a budget of approximately €3.9 million. The project started in July 2022 and will last for 48 months.
On July 18th 2022 the project’s kick-off meeting was held at the premises of the Agricultural University of Athens. During the meeting, all partners presented their involvement and responsibilities in the project and shared their ideas and ambitions for a successful implementation and achievement of specific project objectives.
BEATLES aspires to change the way agri-food systems currently operate and accelerate the systemic and systematic behavioural shift to climate-smart agriculture and smart farming technologies fully aligned with the ambitions of the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies, and the new CAP at regional and EU levels. Five different food systems representing the major crop and livestock farming systems in Europe (cereals, dairy, stone fruits, livestock, vegetables) in various EU regions (Western, Eastern, Southern and Northern Europe), will be studied to account for the diversity in agri-food systems and conditions in the EU. BEATLES will provide a set of business strategies establishing roadmaps for a fair shift towards climate-smart agriculture, based on environmental, social, and economic sustainability assessments. Moreover, a series of policy recommendations and tools will be developed to foster behaviourally informed policy design and implementation.
The BEATLES consortium, led by the Agricultural University of Athens, consists of 18 partners across 10 European countries (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom). The consortium members are: AgriFood Lithuania DIH, Agricultural University of Athens, Wageningen University & Research, University of Copenhagen, AEIDL, SEI – Stockholm Environment Institute, National Technical University of Athens, Q-Plan International Advisors PC, Naturland, INTIA, Delphy BV, FBCD, ZPS, Sustainable Innovations, ART21, Agro Digital Solutions, and KPAD Ltd.
The consortium will launch its social media accounts and website in due time to publicise all project activities. Stay tuned!
Opportunity for startups to present themselves for free at one of the largest Tech-startups ecosystem events in Europe
AgriFood Lithuania DIH became an official partner of the international conference "Startup Ole" in Salamanca (Spain). This event, which will take place for the eighth time on September 5-7, is considered one of the biggest events in the Tech-startups ecosystem in Europe. Over the last seven years, 40,000 attendees from 120 countries, 1,500 startups, scaleups and spinoffs, more than 1,200 speakers and 300 corporates and investors with investment portfolio of over 100kM have participated in this extraordinary event.
"As we are partners of this event, we have the opportunity to invite startups from Lithuania to participate in this conference and present themselves free of charge (this means avoiding a fee of more than 300 euros). Do not to miss the opportunity to make new business connections and present your product or service to a very wide audience", said AgriFood Lithuania DIH director Kristina Šermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė.
Participating startups will be able to take advantage of the following opportunities:
- Free participation in the event as a startup (value 300 Eur + VAT);
- Invitation for two people from each startup;
- Private meetings with investors and/or potential partners;
- Stand during the event;
- Networking events;
- Possibility to participate in pitch competitions;
- Invitation to participate in a cocktail party;
- Additional networking tools;
- More information:
*Travel and living expenses are not covered.
If you want to take advantage of this opportunity contact
New technologies to manage food ecosystems - Summer School
3-week course where you will develop entrepreneurial skills and gain knowledge of technologies for managing food ecosystems.
The goal of the summer school is to provide students with a strong entrepreneurial and managerial propensity to control complex ecosystems of the food chain by applying new technologies with knowledge and expertise. The more specific objectives of the summer school are:
• Introduce participants to entrepreneurial methods and tools to develop new businesses participating in complex food and agri-food chains;
• Providing information and experience on resource management and leadership of complex teams in the food sector;
• Introduce state-of-the-art methodologies and tools, including digital tools, to address the challenges of food ecosystems and the production of healthy and environmentally friendly food according to the criteria of circular economy and green transport;
• Introduce the principles of the circular economy applicable to agricultural production, industry, packaging and retail;
• Provide detailed information on how to apply the progress of Technology Readiness Level (TRL 1 – 9) and the social responsibility balance sheet in food enterprises;
• Disseminate and raise awareness among future entrepreneurs in the use of new generation computer tools (digital twins) for the management, control and maintenance of food ecosystems.
This activity is aimed at university students (Bachelor, PHD, Post Doctoral) . Given the strategic importance of engaging a diverse audience, our activity will target individuals from all university faculties.
Students will be recruited from RIS countries (Regional Innovation Scheme) , to ensure that our activity has representatives from countries, providing different perspectives and points of view on the topics covered. By bringing together people from countries with different food-related problems/challenges, we are promoting a diversity of thoughts and points of view, enriching the activity for all involved.
Integrating entrepreneurship training with food system innovation will enable you to manage solutions to global challenges such as climate change and consumers health.
The training course has been developed, and will be delivered by an outstanding collaborative group composed of European universities, search institutes and companies in the environment and digital sector. This unique Summer School features teaching by highly skilled mentors in entrepreneurship and innovation from the Asomi College of Sciences (Malta), Euc Inovaçao Portugal (Portugal), Environment Park (Italy) . The Summer School presents the best European projects supported by European Commission on this topic.
The training course is augmented by world-class specific entrepreneurship teaching. This proposition combines academia, applied research and industrial innovation.
You will work in interdisciplinary teams with mentoring/ coaching by experts from the universities, research institutes, start-ups and companies throughout the 3 weeks of full immersion.
The course provides university diploma.
Career Opportunities
The core of this Summer School is to teach young future entrepreneurs about innovation applied to food and agri-food systems in line with the EIT Food – STEAM strategy.
The opportunity is to create a new generation of European entrepreneurs capable of operating with innovative tools on complex ecosystems. The Summer School will provide access to tools, methodologies and best practices from the best universities, research, innovation, and professional circuits.
Students will be supported towards sustainable and intelligent food and agri-food systems.
The approach is practical with presentations of technological tools. The study curriculum provides support on business development, team creation and motivation, market research, entrepreneurial risk analysis.
Duration & Dates
The course lasts 3 weeks, from the 4th of July until the 22nd of July 2022.
Structure & Modules
A group of motivated participants from across Europe will join our Inspire – New technologies to manage food ecosystems. Over a period of 3 weeks, the Summer School will provide a dynamic and supportive environment.
The Training Course will take place online with a combination of online (asynchronous) learning resources; and live (synchronous) interactive virtual sessions:
Total course time commitment = 40 hours plus 20 hours for a total of 60 hours.
The core part of the Summer School focusing on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) plus 20 hours of in-depth ‘Entrepreneurship Spine’ for a total of 60 hours.

The WE Lead Food Programme is designed to equip you with the tools to make a real difference and achieve real results.
WE Leaders benefit from a ready-made network of women leaders from across the entire food value chain, enabling them to draw on knowledge and insights from other parts of the sector that they might not currently have access to. During the programme, you have trusted sounding boards to discuss whatever challenges you might want to take on in the future. This equips you with a range of entrepreneurial and leadership tools to enable you to successfully take on bigger challenges and tackle the system in a way that you might not have done before.
Programme structure
The WE Lead Food programme works with you to:
• explore and develop both your entrepreneurial self and your leadership self,
• define your vision for a more sustainable food system,
• devise a plan to realise your vision.
The programme is made up of interactive sessions designed to unlock and develop your entrepreneurial mindset and capabilities in the context of leading in the complex and changing food industry.
We will work with you to challenge and progress your development plan. Throughout the process, you will have access to an expert group of industry, academic and policy specialists, a cross-sector industry leaders’ network and the tools to leverage both entrepreneurial and collective leadership ways of working.
The programme will take place online over a 7-week period. This includes three full days, and sessions most Tuesday and Thursday afternoons during these 7 weeks. An overview of the programme is available here. Full details and logistics will be provided to applicants offered a place on the programme.”
The afterparty
We know how important continued support and development is, so we won’t leave you hanging. WE Lead Food is designed to have a strong alumni network which helps our awesome agents of change to stay in touch with their cohort. Everyone who takes part in WE Lead Food, will automatically be invited to our afterparty.
Entry Requirements
This programme is designed for people who identify as women and:
• Have a passion and commitment to drive the transformation a more sustainable food system
• Currently in, or have been in, a leadership* position in the food system.
We love diversity, and so all backgrounds and disciplines are welcome, from research, business, policy, and civil society.
*We don’t discriminate on age and take a broad view on leadership from graduates who have taken a leadership role amongst their peers, founders of local charities, public sector managers, entrepreneurs, senior managers in industry and more.
Course Fees
Applications to join WE Lead Food will be accepted on a rolling basis until all places have been filled.
The full course fees (application deadline 31st August):
RIS country* citizens fee – 850 Euros
Non-RIS/Global citizens – 1,250 Euros
Early Bird Discounts (For applications submitted before the 30th June):
RIS country citizens early bird fee – 175 Euros
Non-RIS/Global citizens early bird fee – 250 Euros
Fee Waivers
We are committed to ensuring that no exceptional woman is excluded from the programme based on ability to pay. Fee waivers are available for excellent candidates who are unable to cover the fee. Decisions are made on a case by case basis. Please apply then contact the organising team.
*The EIT Food RIS strategy focuses on enhancing development within the agrifood sector by implementing activities related to innovation, education, business creation and communication in RIS countries and regions.
InnovPlanet - Summer School
Free 3-week course where you will develop entrepreneurial skills and acquire knowledge about sustainable agriculture and targeted nutrition to create a new innovative product.
There is only one planet Earth. Yet, by 2050, the world will be consuming as if there were three. At the same time, the European Commission acknowledges that 2/3 of our soils are degraded, estimating that Europe can only provide 60 more crops if soils are not restored. We are facing all of this under a scenario of climate change. This programme offers a unique and intensive immersion on the topics of sustainable agriculture by linking the role of soil health to target nutrition towards better health and wellbeing.
Guided by an entrepreneurial mindset participants will think of solutions to challenges under sustainable agriculture: how to promote local produce, enhance ecosystem services such as biodiversity and soil carbon sequestration, and reduce children obesity through Mediterranean diet products under the digital framework. Participants will have the opportunity to ideate around these topics namely on how sustainable agriculture can improve nutrition and increase safety and consumer confidence in the food systems, with the support of real examples of the digital transformation in agri-food.
We are seeking undergraduates, MSc students, PhD students, Postdoctoral researchers, young professionals and/or aspiring entrepreneurs interested in innovating in the food system and in improving the lives of specific segments of the population by providing them with safer and healthier products. We are interested in enrolling individuals from multidisciplinary backgrounds (e.g. Food Science, Other Sciences, Engineering, Business/ Marketing, Informatics and Computational Science).
InnovPlanet Summer School will integrate entrepreneurship training with food system innovation, enabling you to create solutions to global challenges such as climate change and health.
The programme has been developed, and will be delivered by an outstanding collaborative group composed of European universities, institutes, food industry companies, farmers, and agri-food startups. This unique programme features teaching by highly skilled mentors in entrepreneurship in the food system from Food4Sustainability (Portugal), University of Beira Interior (Portugal) and Lunds University (Sweden).
The programme is augmented by world-class specific entrepreneurship teaching, which will be delivered by a team from the BGI – Building Global Innovators (Portugal).
You will work in interdisciplinary teams with personal mentoring/coaching by experts from the universities, start-ups and companies throughout the 3 weeks of the programme. Your team will receive feedback on your ideas after pitching them in front of an expert jury.
Career Opportunities
Training in entrepreneurship and innovation in sustainable agriculture and targeted nutrition can create career opportunities for you as a university student, early career researcher and young entrepreneur:
• Through the creation of start-ups based on the ideas developed during the summer programme
• By boosting your chances of being employed by start-ups, SME and bigger companies across the sustainable food system.
• By improving your chances of being employed in local, national and international activities in administration, teaching and training
• By improving your chances of being employed by NGOs and media companies
The training of students on sustainable and smart farming can make a difference for the current and future generations that will have a reference to follow due to this capacitation. The creation of new businesses will provide a reduction in the current sectoral unemployment but also fill a gap in sectoral innovation.
Duration & Dates
The course lasts 3 weeks, July 4th to July 15th (exclusively online) and week 3 will run from 25th to 29th for the students selected from the final assessment of week 2.
Structure & Modules
A cohort of motivated participants from across Europe will join our InnovPlanet Inspire Summer School. Over 2 weeks, the programme will provide a dynamic and supportive environment for you to develop your knowledge of sustainable agriculture and smart farming techniques, and to explore the development of food products for targeted groups of the population. During the full programme, you will develop your entrepreneurial mindset and learn how you can transform your ideas into business propositions. At the end of week 2, the top-performing applicants will be invited to travel to Portugal for week 3 (25th – 29th July), where they will further develop their knowledge on circularity, sustainable value chains, green finance, among others. The applicants’ entrepreneurial skills will also be trained for the final pitch competition.
During the first and second weeks, the programme will take place online with a combination of asynchronous learning resources and live (synchronous) interactive virtual sessions:
July 4th. Welcome session and general introductions to the course syllabus
July 5th. The soil: biotic and abiotic perspectives and their involvement in soil fertility
July 6th. Soil management: current practices and case studies
July 7th. Ecosystem services and carbon farming
July 8th. From the soil to the gut: impact of food in health. Targeted nutrition
July 11th. Sustainable diet principles
July 12th. Applied systems science in food system transformations. Systems Modelling
July 13th. Smart farming and Remote sensing.
July 14th. Energy-saving processes for sustainable agriculture. Precision agriculture and smart irrigation.
July 15th. Assessment
July 25th. Welcome session and introduction. The connection between smart farming and circularity
July 26th. Sustainable value chains. Design thinking methodologies.
July 27th. Green finance. Open labs onsite visit.
July 28th. Pitch clinic and training. Open labs onsite visit.
July 29th. Final pitch competition

Women startup entrepreneurs focused at creating a more sustainable agrifood sector in Lithuania have started an EIT Food EWA program
In Europe, women entrepreneurs make up only a third of the self-employed people. Unfortunately, in the agrifood sector this figure is even lower. This situation has inspired EIT Food to launch a five-month international EWA program, which aims to promote women's leadership in the agrifood sector.
“This year we are really impressed by women startup entrepreneurs as we have received more than 30 unique new business ideas. The commission has selected ten business dreams with the greatest potential. During the program, authors of the selected ideas will participate in various trainings and get individual support from experienced mentors. At the end of the project, the participants will have to present their progress, and the winners will share the prize fund of 18,000 Eur,” said the patron and organizer of the program in Lithuania Kristina Šermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė, Director of the AgriFood Lithuania DIH.
Aim to create an environmentally friendly business
The main goals of the business ideas presented at the program's opening event are to have a positive impact on the food system, improve people's quality of life, reduce food waste, encourage short food supply chains and create food that has a neutral or even positive effect on the climate. According to most of the participants of the program, they are here to realize their dreams and contribute to the development of healthy and high-quality food in Lithuania.
“This program is an extraordinary opportunity to encourage women to try to make their dreams come true, inspire self-confidence and help them start a business. It is gratifying to see what interesting and innovative ideas have been presented today that meet both the trends of today's agrifood sector and consumer expectations. If at least some of those ideas are implemented after the program, we will be very happy to have contributed to the development of the more sustainable agrifood sector in Lithuania.", said Vaiva Kubilaitė, Business Development Manager of Baltic Amadeus, the sponsor of the EWA program in Lithuania, who is also one of the program's mentors.
Participants from different parts of Lithuania
Today a half-year business development journey has begun for Austėja Keraitytė, Irmantė Jurelytė-Kovaliova, Daiva Bičkauskė, Eglė Valuckaitė-Stašauskienė, Šarūnė Vaitiekūnė, Dovilė Ilevičienė, Rasa Nabažaitė, Paulina Gruodienė, Vilija Vedlūgienė and Aistė Balčiūnaitienė.
During their journey, they will be supported by experienced mentors Artūras Jakubavičius, Mantas Vilys, Gytis Junevičius, Ignas Šlapkauskas, Eglė Vaičiukynaitė, Vaiva Kubilaitė, Zita Petkevičienė, Inga Juozapvičienė, Sergejus Borodinas and Edita Bagdonaitė. All mentors are from business, academia, or the public sector.
AgriFood Lithuania DIH became the co-founder of the European Digital Innovation Hub in Lithuania
Two years ago, AgriFood Lithuania DIH, together with its cross-sectoral partners, established the consortium EDIH, which has the most expertise in the agrifood, industrial and energy sectors in Lithuania. This week, the European Commission officially confirmed that, after evaluating 283 applicants nominated by European governments, EDIH has become one of the 136 hubs awarded the title of the European Digital Innovation Hub. In Lithuania, three consortia in total received this title.
"This evaluation is great news for the Lithuanian agrifood sector and all actors in the sector's ecosystem, as well as a great appreciation for AgriFood Lithuania DIH. Now we are very focused on achieving best possible results in our activities aiming to promote and implement the digital transformation in the agrifood, industrial and energy sectors as effectively as possible. Aid measures such as pre-investment testing, knowledge and skills development and transfer, training, partner search, integration of Lithuanian business into international experimental development and innovation value chains, investment support and many others can be highlighted. It is planned that more than 5,000 economic entities will use the services of EDIH, which will encourage the attraction of 500 million investments in the development and implementation of digital innovations and contribute to increasing productivity by at least 20%,” said Kristina Šermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė, Director of AgriFood Lithuania DIH.
EDIH was nominated to the European Commission by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation after the conclusions of an expert commission, which recognized this consortium as the best and most in line with Lithuania's interests in providing digital transformation services to business entities in Central and Western Lithuania. The consortium consists of AgriFood Lithuania DIH, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, Lithuanian Innovation Center, ART21, Science and Technology Park of the Institute of Physics, Lithuanian Energy Institute and Smart Energy DIH.
Challenge Labs CEE
What is challenge labs?
The event organised by the European Institute of Technology and Innovation is an innovation design marathon aimed at developing concepts for new products and technological solutions in the food and FMCG industries. The event is carried out in the form of a Design Sprint lasting from 29 September to 15 October, during which project teams take part in workshop sessions and design meetings moderated by experts in the field of Design thinking and Service design, and end with investor presentations of their solutions.
Who can participate?
Apply to take part in the food design marathon of the future if you are:
- graduate
- researcher
- doctoral student
- young professional
- professional
- expert
or someone with knowledge and experience in areas such as: food technology, biotechnology, agriculture, nutritional sciences, IT, social sciences, business studies, marketing.
If you feel that with your knowledge and skills you are able to develop creative solutions for the food industry, click „Apply” and fill in the short application form!
How will we act?
During the workshop we will carry out tasks in teams of five. This will ensure a lot of mutual inspiration. If you don’t have a team, we will guarantee you a good integration with others before starting the activity.
By taking part in Challenge Labs you will meet many international experts in the field of innovation design and the food industry. By consulting with mentors, you will get the opportunity to test your ideas at every stage of their implementation.
In teams we want to bring together participants from different areas of expertise and specialization, but from one country. This gives us a look at our ideas from different perspectives. Expect people on site who are interested in issues from engineering, psychology, IT or marketing.
This means that we immediately test the concepts and ideas developed. Instead of creating long presentations and descriptions of ideas, we go into the field and check with real users how they evaluate our approach.
Game plan