In response to the role of the forestry sector and the community in mitigating climate change, a symbolic birch planting event will be held on November 13 at 11:00 AM near Vilnius. This event is part of the AgriFood Forum 2023 and will feature participation from the Vice Minister of Environment, Kęstutis Šetkus. Life Terra, one of Europe’s most active climate action initiatives, supports the initiative. We welcome everyone to join this free educational activity and plant a tree, including forum participants, families with children living in the capital, and visitors who care about a greener future.

Supported by the Ministry of Environment

The area along A. Kojelavičiaus Street in Pavilnys (coordinates: 54°41’51.6″N 25°22’13.3″E) has already undergone sanitary clear-cutting, and the 40-are plot owned by the Vilnius municipality is prepared for the next stage. The initiative’s partners, the NGO “Myliu mišką”, which aims to increase forest cover in Lithuania, are handling the plot and the preparatory work.

Students will also join the AgriFood Forum 2023 organizers and speakers, the Vice Minister of Environment, the head of the State Forest Enterprise, Valdas Kaubrė, and other government representatives to plant the trees. We will provide for each participant with the necessary tools and an educational program to ensure the young birch trees take root – with more than 300 trees expected to be planted.

“Forming collective consciousness on issues such as climate extremes, reducing the impact of urbanization, or preserving biodiversity begins at the highest levels of policy strategy. However, applying these strategies in real life is much easier with all stakeholders involved. I support the forum organizers’ aim to bring the search for safe, healthy, sustainable future prospects closer to the general public. Vilnius is already renowned as perhaps the greenest city in Europe. I believe that our country has many people whose conscious actions – from participating in global initiatives to taking personal responsibility for environmental protection – make a significant contribution to Lithuania’s ambassadorship in addressing global challenges,” says Vice Minister of Environment Kęstutis Šetkus.

Partnership with a European foundation

Representatives of the Life Terra project, supported by the European Commission’s LIFE program, initiated the idea to plant trees in a specific part of the capital as a symbol of growing international, interdisciplinary commitment to improving the planet.

Sven Kallen, founder of Life Terra Foundation

The foundation of the same name, based in Amsterdam and Barcelona, collaborates with partners across Europe to enable people to contribute to climate change mitigation by restoring degraded land, developing tree monitoring technologies, and educating future generations. The founder, Sven Kallen, is one of over 60 local and foreign experts who will share their insights at the AgriFood Forum 2023, held on November 14 at Vilnius Town Hall.

Responding to carbon footprint reduction strategy

According to Kristina Šermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė, CEO of AgriFood Lithuania, the EU increasingly focuses on forming a carbon credit market as part of implementing the Green Deal. Trees are one of the main natural sources of GHG absorption.

“Our initiative partners “Myliu mišką” shared an interesting fact that in estimation about five trees need to be planted to obtain one carbon credit. During their lifecycle, they could collect one ton of CO2. The symbolic birch planting that opens AgriFood Forum 2023 is just a step toward European carbon footprint reduction goals. However, I am confident that this year’s event will generate many pragmatic solutions that will accelerate the necessary changes in the agri-food sector and related industries,” she remarks.

The cluster and digital innovation hub are organizing the event in collaboration with the European Parliament, Business at OECD (BIAC), and the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists. Participate in the forum for free, or watch online after registering at